Congratulations on your SHINY from the Surprise Trade
It would be better if you hunted this Pokemon yourself, it’s very easy.
Just watch my shiny hunting TUTORIAL.
Do you still have questions; then please put it on our DISCORD SERVER.
Hunting yourself is better and motivates you to play long-term Pokemon.
Just watch my shiny hunting TUTORIAL.
Hunting yourself is better and motivates you to play long-term Pokemon.
Pokémon GO #30 – Double Mewtu EX RAID ! Mit Wetter-Boost! – Shiny Wailmer / Wailord NEW EVENT!
#Pokemon #PokemonGO #Mewtu #Nintendo #sakaCrew #Twitch #TwitchDE
POKEMON GO #29 -3x Sternenstaub + Shiny Wailmer / Wailord NEW EVENT!
#PokemonGO #Pokemon #EVENT #Pogo #Shiny #Weilmer #Wailmer #sakaCrew
15h Jubiläum Livestream 24.02 – 12-24 Uhr – Pokemon 2 Jahre Twitch Partner #GBAWeek